Friday, July 31, 2009

Travel Day 1

4:15...alarm goes off. One last snuggle with the wife and up and out of bed. Grab important personal items, bags, sunglasses on head, and out the door. Off to Charlotte to meet John. What an early morning ...arrrrr...but the NAC's are here and overall morale is up! We hit Charlotte at 6:30 from Rockingham, NC... a quick kiss goodbye to the wifey and dogs ( the boys), and John and I are off to Cheese Head Country! John and I continued to get to know each other deeper on personal and philosophical levels and miles continued to fly by as we hit Chicago 12 hours later.... which by the way we were glad to see Chicago go by an hour and a half later due to some not so fun road conditions, traffic and detours...but as always John and I remained optimistic...because Ephraim, WI was just around the in 5 more hours around the corner! With a long day under our belts, some good music, and banter... were arrived in our berths for the night in Racine, WI for a couple of well deserved cocktails, a quick dinner and off to bed at the Holiday Inn! Stay tuned for more. Arrival at the NAC's, Registration and Measuring tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Battle at the Start of the 2008 MidWinters

Off to the NAC's...Cheese Country Bound!

Hey Gang, Packed and ready for the 17 and a half hour drive to Ephraim, WI in Door County. Team Rocket Pig sailed by John Kriedler (South Carolina) and his "Arch Nemesis" (NC) as crew, and are set to invade Cheese Country for the 2009 Flying Scot North American Champs. John has spent hours in relentless persuit of the perfect racing sails...done...hotel across from the John certainly knows how to throw captain on "Slowpoke" is such a cheap bastard...Team Rocket Pig is prepared for the event!